Minutes from the March 5th meeting at DiMaio's Restaurant, Whately, MA.

Members present: Deb and Joe Adamczyk, Emmy Adasiewicz, Robert Amen, Cathy Bakke, Lisa Boyle, Alicia Campbell, Dianne Currie, Peter and Sheila Dolan, Wendy Dreyer, Dottie Duclos, Gail Duval, Mary Jane Fallon, Gayle Fitzgerald, Gil and Nancy Gagnon, Gwen Hosken, Ed and Val Jakubowski, Jean Janotta, Joanne Karohl, Linc Keiser, Cindy and Billy King, Sharon Parr, Claudia Reed, Gull Reidy, Cindy and Warren Robinson, Alison Smith, John and Tina Spivey, Joe and MaryAnn Stoddart, Fran and Leah Swanson, Maarten and Susan Walter, Susan Winters, and John Yarmac

Susan Winters called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.

1. The Secretary's report was approved as read.

2. Treasurer's report: We have approximately $16,000 in the general account including Rescue funds.

3. Affiliate Report: There is currently an active discussion (on
Affiliate-l?) about the issue of what percentage of titles counted toward
Hall of Fame status should be required to be herding titles. Also, there is
a vacancy on the ASCA Board of Directors, if anyone is interested in the

4. Library: We will be ordering the Rachel Page Elliot video "Dogsteps".
Linc Keiser announced that we would be receiving a copy of the student-made
video of Harvest Moon Mania.

5. Rescue Report: Mary Jane reported that we have placed 4 dogs, 3 are
still in foster, of which 2 are probably spoken for. Several of our Rescue
workers attended the Susan Sternberg seminar. She reported that this was a
very powerful and affirming experience. A key question to ask in any rescue
situation is "Is this a better dog today than yesterday, and is it a better
dog than when it arrived?" MJ feels that our program is very successful
viewed in these terms. A Susan Sternberg video might be a useful addition
to our library. Also, it is suggested that, if a family is judged
unsuitable for Aussies, they still be offered further guidance in their
search for a dog. We have several new foster homes that are doing very well
and are much appreciated.

6. Event Updates:
February Show: was very successful and made a profit
February 18&19 Duck Trial
March 25&26th Rescue Benefit show: Obedience is filled! We could have filled 15 more entries;
May 13&14th Herding trial: Judge will be Rachel Vest
The May Meeting will be held in conjunction with the herding trial on Sunday May 14 at 12 noon.
June Bob Vest Extravaganza: moving along splendidly.
    10-12th: ASCNE sheep clinic at Tenley Dexter's
    13th: ASCNE cattle clinic at Linc Keiser's
    14-17th: NESA clinic at Janet Benson's
    18th: ASCNE trial
    20-22nd: ASCNE clinic at Matt Mason's
June show: Agility Trial workers needed, please contact Jean Janotta…603-893-3114
August trial: All is in order.
September 15, 16, & 17 Once in a Blue Moon show: Judges will be Charlene
    Melton, Tony Viola Pearson, and Liz Smith. Terry Andrews will ensure there
    is a vet on call. The tents are all set; we need breed stewards, obedience
    stewards, one show secretary and one grounds person. The obedience judges
    are all set.
October Nationals Pre-Show: Hotels are arranged and were in the
    newsletter; some changes were noted there as well.
November 11&12th show: will now be held in Franklin, MA, at Ms. Canine

Old Business

7. New Members: We accepted the following new members into the club: Carol
Beauparlant, Debra Keach, Gail Mirabella, Christine Porter.
Cathy Bakke is going to send each new member a copy of the by-laws.

8. Seminar, Saturday April 7, 2001: Fred Lanting will be talking about Hip Dysplasia and other orthopedic problems, canine structure and movement. The seminar will be held at the same
location as the C. A. Sharp lecture. Also, he would like to take the
opportunity to judge while he is here, so we may consider holding a one-day
show on Sunday, April 8.

9.2001 Spring Fling Proposal….A ballot was sent out to the members who were current with their dues Feb 1,2000. They should be back to us by March 23…if 51% of the vote does not come back, the show proposal is then decided at the next meeting which is May 14, at the Herding Trial in West Brookfield.

New Business

10. Member Applications: The following have applied for membership in ASCNE:
Member   Sponsors
Jill Bergman
  Susan Winters
Stevens Parr
Jessie Moore
Timothy Hession 
  Mary Jane Fallon
Matt Mason
Paula & Sumner Roberts
  Marcia Lindsey
Pam Parker
Diane Weaver
  Heather Braddock
Gail Duval
Suzanne Wood 
  Nancy Petty Gagnon
Stevens Parr
Linda S. Wilson    Pam Parker
Marcia Lindsey

11. West Brookfield news: Gabrielino has been named Hall of Fame kennel#33!!
Also, Maarten Walter will be giving a series of herding seminars overseas.
Congratulations also to Robert Amen for achieving an OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion) on his girl…OTCH C Bar Saranade in Blue

12. Possible Memorial Day weekend show: Gail Rempel has volunteered to host
a show, judged by Vicki Mistretta, who will be her houseguest for that
weekend. Cindy King volunteered to be the show chair. The costs to the club
will be very low (no airfare, no housing, etc.). The concern is whether
there is enough time for the paperwork, and to secure obedience judges. For
now, planning will proceed.

13. Many thanks to Mary Ann and Joe Stoddart for planning and executing a
most excellent awards luncheon!

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: May 14 at the Walter's, West Brookfield, MA.

Respectfully submitted by Joanne Karohl