Minutes from the September 7, 2003 meeting at Joe & Deb Adamczyk’s home in Warren, MA.

Members present: Jean Janotta, Dottie Duclos, Pete Dolan, Deborah Adamczyk, Joe Adamczyk, Joe Stoddart, MaryAnn Stoddart, Cindy King, John Yarmac, Sue Schroeder, Kathie Chouinard, Brenda Dean, Linc Keiser, Valerie Jakubowski, Diane Johnson.

Meeting called to order at 12:45pm by President Jean Janotta.

1. Introductions of people in attendance.

2. Secretary’s report: Minutes from the July 13, 2003 meeting were accepted as published in the New England Aussie Newsletter.

3. Treasurer's report: Dottie Duclos reported we have $15,718.75 in the regular checking account, the rescue account stands at $5,070.20 for a total of $20,788.95. Moose-A-Mania brought in $3,831 with expenses of $4,391 for a loss of $560. The August Herding Trial brought in $2515 with expenses of $1,953 for a gain of $562 (Deb and Joe are still working on getting the airline refund of $250 for Wayne Harris’ ticket). It was noted that the Board approved a request from Audrey McKay for $500 from the Rescue Fund – the pup was hurt and needed surgery. The report was accepted as read.

4. ASCA Affiliate report: Sharon Ruppel was not able to attend the meeting, but called and said she was working on the affiliate report and would have it ready for the Aussie Times publication.

5. Library Report: Cindy King reported that there were no new additions to the Library and she had it with her even though the "library lugger" – Bill was not able to attend the meeting. Cindy noted that a tote on wheels would be a great help with the books and it was okayed by the members.

6. Sunshine report: Jean Janotta made mention that Hunter Atkinson has passed away. There was also a card circulated for Kaye Harris who is going to have back surgery as the result of a vehicle accident.

7. Event updates

For more event information, please check the ASCNE Website ( and other parts of this newsletter. OLD BUSINESS 1. New Members: We accepted the following for membership: Ted & Karen Kurnat, Rita MacDonald, Polly McCauley, Gwen Pierce, Michele Scarpa and Gail Zwirblia. Robert & Mary Tripp decided to receive only the newsletter until they get to know more members for sponsorship.

2. Capital Expenditure: John Yarmac and Pete Dolan reported that the components for the sound system (two horns on stands and 125 feet of cable for each) were purchased at the cost of $162.00 to be debuted at Harvest Moon Mania.

  1. Member Applications: Kathie Chouinard reported that the following have applied for membership in ASCNE
Member  Sponsors
Annette Hicks  Debbie Keach
 Audrey McKay
Holly McLure  Christine Davenport
 Deb & Joe Adamczyk
2. Free Printing Is Over: Pete Dolan has retired as the club printer due to a change in employment status. The big premiums & newsletters have been the courtesy of Pete and his previous employer. Pete said he would talk to the printer at his previous job to see if they would continue to do the printing at a good rate and that he will also check into other places and rates. Brenda Dean and Kathie Chouinard will also check on rates from other printers.

3. Nominating Committee: All the current officers and board members are willing and available to continue if the club so chooses, with the exception of Matt Mason. Anyone interested in running for the board or office, please contact Sheila Dolan, Diane Johnson or Sue Winters. Please make sure that anyone you nominate is ready and willing to do the job.

4. Trophies: Cindy King mentioned there is a new company on her route that does engraving on slate and glass for anyone who might be looking for trophies. She said they did very nice work.

  1. Achievements:
Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.

Next Meeting: November 9, 2003 at Jean Janotta’s home in Raymond, NH

Respectfully submitted, Diane Johnson