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Record of Merit (ROM)

  • To be eligible for ROM awards the owner(s) of the dog must be a member of ASCNE.
  • For Conformation, Obedience and Rally the owner must have worked on a conformation or obedience event during the calendar year. ( passed at the 7/99 meeting, Rally added at the 7/10 meeting)
  • Juniors are exempt from this requirement although they should be encouraged to help out.
  • The ROM award year runs from Jan 1, to Dec 31. of a calendar year.
  • All forms must be at the ROM coordinator’s within a month after the show. It is not necessary to submit ROM forms for any ASCNE sponsored or supported events.
  • All information MUST be submitted on a ROM form. Use one form for each dog or junior for each event that is entered.
  • Submit a separate ROM form for Stock Dog, Obedience, Rally, Junior Showmanship, Agility, and Conformation. (Rally added at the 7/10 meeting)
  • Submit the forms to the appropriate ROM Coordinators

Special Awards

The Rally rules are pending the vote at the November Meeting

Each dog will be eligible for no more than one Special ROM per year.


The dog/bitch must be shown in Conformation, Stock and 1 other event: Tracking, Obedience, Rally or Agility in the calendar year and receive qualifying scores/winners, reserve, best of breed, or best opposite sex to qualify for the award.


The dog/bitch must be shown in Stock and 2 other venues: Tracking, Obedience, Rally or Agility in the calendar year and must receive qualifying scores in Stock and the other 2 venues to qualify for the award.


The dog/bitch must receive qualifying scores/winners, reserve, best of breed, or best opposite sex in at least 3 of the following venues in the calendar year to qualify for the award: Conformation, Stock, Tracking, Obedience, Rally or Agility.

Agility Rules

Only qualifying rounds at ASCA sanctioned trials count.

Regular Class

  • "Q" no faults worth 10 points plus points for class placement
  • "Q" with faults worth 5 points plus points for class placement

Gamblers and Jumpers Classes

  • "Q" worth 10 points plus points for class placement

Points for class placements

  • 1st - 4 points
  • 2nd - 3 points
  • 3rd - 2 points
  • 4th - 1 point

Novice A and B divisions will only apply to the regular class.

Submitting non-ASCNE Show Information

Email Chris Carlson the individual results sent to you from the trial secretary to the following address

Conformation Rules

The top two dogs in each category will be awarded a ROM ribbon.

Best Puppy Dog and Bitch

  • Puppies receive one point for each puppy defeated.
  • Best Puppy receives the number of points equal to the total number of puppies entered minus one.
  • Best Opposite Puppy receives the number of points equal to the total number of puppies entered minus two.

Awards in Class, Winners and Champion will be awarded to both Intact and Altered Dogs and Bitches.

Dog and Bitch

  • One point is awarded for each dog defeated.
  • Winners Dog/Bitch receives the number of points equal to the total number of dogs or bitches entered in the regular classes minus one. (since they did not defeat themselves)
  • Reserve receives the number of points equal to the total number of dogs or bitches entered in the regular classes minus two. (themselves and winners)
  • Best of Winners receives the number of points equal to the number of both dogs and bitches, entered in the regular classes minus one.

Winners - Dog and Bitch

  • Only dogs and bitches that go Winners are eligible to earn points in this category. They receive one point for each dog or bitch defeated
  • Best of Winners, as in Class, receives the number of points equal to the number of, both dogs and bitches entered in the regular classes minus one.
  • Best of Breed receives one point for each dog and bitch (Class and BOB) or total number entered minus one.
  • Best of Opposite receives one point for each dog or bitch (Class and BOB) of the same sex or total entered of the same sex minus one.

Champion - Dog and Bitch

  • Only dogs and bitches who have COMPLETED their Championship, and have entered the show in the Best of Breed Class, may receive points in this category.
  • Best of Breed receives the number of points equal to the total number of dogs and bitches entered in both regular Classes and BOB minus one.
  • Best of Opposite Sex receives one point for each dog or bitch (Class and BOB) of the same sex or total entered of the same sex minus one.
  • If Best of Winners is the same sex as Best of Opposite Sex then the dog also receives one point for all dogs of the opposite sex shown in the regular classes at the show.

Junior Showmanship

Junior Showmanship awards are only available to Juniors who are MEMBERS of ASCNE.

Sub-Junior Classes

  • Every sub-junior who shows in more than 3 shows receives a ribbon
  • NO scores will be kept for the Sub-Junior classes

Regular Junior Classes

  • Juniors receive one point for every Junior they have defeated
  • ROM ribbons will be awarded to the top 4 Juniors.

Any Junior who receives 50 points in a year receive a bowl with their choice of engraving.

Obedience Rules

  • The top three scores from the present recording year are added and averaged. these scores are averages, divided by three. The resulting average determines the top two exhibitors per class and is awarded the ROM for the year.
  • Ribbons are awarded to the dog and handler team with the 2 highest averages in all obedience classes.
  • The top qualifying Junior in each class is also eligible for a ROM ribbon.

Rally Rules

These Rally rules are pending the vote at the November Meeting

  • The top three qualifying Rally scores from the present recording year plus the placement points received in these three classes are totaled. The total is averaged by dividing by three. The resulting average determines the top two exhibitors per class and is awarded the ROM for the year. If a dog has less than three qualifying scores, the scores are still divided by three.
  • Ribbons are awarded to the dog and handler team with the 2 highest averages in all Rally classes including A, B and C in each level.
  • A dog may only be awarded one Rally ROM award per level (ie Rally Novice A or Novice B or Novice C) each year. If eligible in more than one class at the same level (A, B or C), then only the highest class level will be eligible for ROM (ie Novice C, not Novice B).
  • The top qualifying Junior in each class is also eligible for a ROM ribbon.

Points for class placements

  • 1st - 4 points
  • 2nd - 3 points
  • 3rd - 2 points
  • 4th - 1 point

Stock Dog Rules

  • Eligibility for a ROM ribbon requires a competitor to have one qualifying score, in the same class, within one year.  If they have more than 1 score the top score counts. 
  • Ribbons are awarded to the top two scores in each of the following classes:
    • Started Sheep
    • Started Ducks
    • Started Cattle
    • Open Sheep
    • Open Ducks
    • Open Cattle
    • Advanced Sheep
    • Advanced Ducks
    • Advanced Cattle
  • The top qualifying Junior in each class is also eligible for a ROM ribbon.  

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